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Big Mosque Sunnathval Jamath
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Big Mosque Sunnathval Jamath Poonamallee, Reg No.221/CGT existing Survey No.115/74-Poonamallee.
History of Building of this Mosque.
During the reign of King Hazrath Alambanna Sultan Abdullah Syed, Nawab Jannabalth Beer Mohammed was the Government representative of Chennai region. Beer Muhammad, the officer who worked for him was officer Jannab Astrabad Tulfeehar son Janab Rusthum who built this Mosque and completed by 03-09-1653. (Hjiri 1063, Shawal 20th)
Two inscriptions state that the officer who worked for him, Khushpam, son of Astrabatul Bihar, completed the construction of the Poontamalli Masjid completely on Tuesday 20, 3/9/1653 AH 1 6 3 Sujad Asari, who was the Hawaludhar of Poontamalli Fort at that time.